Friday, January 20, 2012

BP#5-Mini essay on one of the articles

  Childhood obesity is a big issue in the United States. Fast food, pizza, burger and French fries, is the main reason to make children get overweight. Agriculture Department proposed the rules to reduce childhood obesity by more fruits and green vegetable to lunch menus. However, the Congress blocked rules proposed by Agriculture Department. Congress should support to serve healthier school meals for children’s health.

   썸네일First of all, eating habit is going to effect to maintain their health when they are adult. If children have a bad eating habit, it is hard to quit the habit and eating too much fast food causes disease of adult. Therefore, school and parents try to serve healthy food for children’s health.

썸네일  Also, protecting children’s health is more important than protecting industry. Government and parents not only have responsibility to provide good environment for the next generation but also children have right to be protected from pollution and junk food for their future.

Government should make and support a plan about school menu for children’s health to keep their healthy life and give a better circumstances for the future.


  1. why congress blocked the system!?
    good eassy...mook
    how you place the writings behind the pictures?

  2. because Congress doesn't want Agriculture Department spends more money in the budget to improve student meal at school.

  3. i agree with that government should make a plan about school menu. even it is spends a lot of money, right?

  4. Right!! we should protect them from junk food and obesity for their healthy life~
