Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Text for Editing Practice Part II

   In my opinion, I am agreement on music therapy is a good method for health. For instance, I have heard that doctor often advices people to hear some gentler music to keep gently. That makes a good environment to help people to ease anxiety, and helps sick cure quick.

In my opinion, music therapy is a good method for health cure. For instance, doctors often advise people to listen gentle music to keep gentle. That makes good environment to help people to ease anxiety and to be cured ill quickly.

BP #9 - Final Reflection on HeLa

1. If you learned that tissue removed from your body during a routine procedure or examination at a doctor's office at some point in the past had gone on to significantly benefit science and research, would you feel that you should be retroactively compensated?

  If my tissue were removed from my body during a routine procedure or examination in the past, I would feel that i should be retroactively compensated. First, I will check how my cells or tissue are being used and what kind of research the cells or tissue are involved in. Then i would check when the doctors took my tissue before. Frankly speaking, if i didn't read the book about Henrietta, I would try to get compensation about using my cells without consent. However, after reading the book, i have known  that there is no law about the right of using cells and many cells or tissues from other people are using in some research now. Therefore, if my cells or tissue could help to heal other people or develpo medical skills, i would let them keep doing the research in which my cells are involved.

2. Which do you think is more important - your right to control your own tissue, or contributinto to science and research for the greater good of humanity?

  In my opinion, both my right to control my own tissue and contribute to science and research for the geater good of humanity. It is hard to choose which is more important. I think, it needs proper ways to satisfy with both sides. For example, If someone who has cells which are really helpful to study for some specific reasearch admits to use his/her cells for the research, the cells are available for the research. However, if the man don't agree to use his/her cells for the research, doctors or researchers should try to get consent from the people. if the people want to have some compensation, the doctors or researchers should find a way to deal with the asking. It is difficult to choose which is more important but it is sure that both, individual rights and developing science, should be respected, not neglect either one.

Friday, February 3, 2012

BP #8 - Going Green Again

1. What are three things you can change in your life or your habits to "go greener"?
Pay bill online, Shop online but avoid overnight shipping, Buy Non-wrapped product.

2. Do you think that people in your home country think about going green as much as Americans do?

I don't think that America, specially in NY, really care about going green because, people throw garbages without feeling sorry. for example, in the subway, garbages are everywhere.  People don't care about it and people throw away cigarrets on the street after smoking without conscience.

In my country, Korea, Going Green is also a big issue. Every apartments and buildings must have recycling bins and when people separate garbge collection, they have to use only recycle plastic bags. If you don't use it when you throw garbages in recycling buns, you are going to get penalty. Also, in Seoul, the capital city in Korea, All buses in public are natural gas vehicles and throwing cigarrets on the street is guilty.



3. What is one thing that really suprised you about going green or something that you didn't realize was so bad for the environment?

I have never though about that it could help online shopping but avoid overnight shipping could help going green.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

BP #6 - Mini Essay on Informed Consent

  If there is a justification in the research without people's knowledge, ill-informed consent or sometimes because of their inability to understand, it would be a lack of regulations and ignorance. At that time, ealry and middle 20c, in United States, it was not clear about the right of their body belonings for a research and doctors also didn't have to think about it because there were no laws or regulations about it.

In addition, in that period, white people had segregated black people, so doctors might not care a lot using black people's body for their research. Therefore, it was understandable situation about the reseaches like Hela.

 However, in ethical problems, The doctors should have got consents or approvals to do researches. The doctors might know that they should ask people who their body were going to be used for the research before doing the research, but they usually did not do that because they did not have to.

I had no ideas and wasn't aware of this history before reading the book.

  I think there was a different basic view of people of doctors and researchers in the past. Doctors and researcher did not know about what was going to happen without people's knowledge and did not  concern about the rights of patients in the past because they were only focused on their career and their study to find how to heal diseases.

Furthermore, they didn't have to have feeling guilty about the researches without consents because there was no laws about it. However, nowadays, everyone knows that how insist on the right of their bodies and how important individual information. Therefore, doctors, researcher and people try to follow the laws and be ethical.

Friday, January 20, 2012

BP#5-Mini essay on one of the articles

  Childhood obesity is a big issue in the United States. Fast food, pizza, burger and French fries, is the main reason to make children get overweight. Agriculture Department proposed the rules to reduce childhood obesity by more fruits and green vegetable to lunch menus. However, the Congress blocked rules proposed by Agriculture Department. Congress should support to serve healthier school meals for children’s health.

   썸네일First of all, eating habit is going to effect to maintain their health when they are adult. If children have a bad eating habit, it is hard to quit the habit and eating too much fast food causes disease of adult. Therefore, school and parents try to serve healthy food for children’s health.

썸네일  Also, protecting children’s health is more important than protecting industry. Government and parents not only have responsibility to provide good environment for the next generation but also children have right to be protected from pollution and junk food for their future.

Government should make and support a plan about school menu for children’s health to keep their healthy life and give a better circumstances for the future.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

#4 Going Green

*I'm not concerned about food sustainability when i shop for food because I don't know much about how to shop sustainable food and there is no information about the food in the store. i usually buy food what i want to have.
*I don't think so. I don't really try to reduce my carbon footprint when buying food or other product. Actually i haven't thought about that when i was shopping.\
*I haven't try to access to store of organic modified grown food. I can see some organnic food in the store near my apartment but i have not bought them.  Most of them are expensive and I'm not sure they are real organic food which were locally grown food.
*I need more information about organic food in the store when i shop. i can't trust organic food because it says organic food but how do i know?it is just high price for the organic food without any information in the food. i want to know where it come from, how it was grown, how it is helpful my health.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

BP #3 - Mini Research(Segregation in America in the 1950s)

In the 1950s in America, Black and White people were segregated. black people could not use the same building entrance as a white person, eat in the same cafe, sit in the same taxi or use the same drinking fountain. The south was a fully segregated society, school, restaurant, hotel, train, elevator, hospital and church even though the law said every people had equal right. The segregation became widely used after Civil War because there were no more slaves after civil war.

The Civil Rights Movement

In the 1950s a Baptis Martin Luther King became the leader of the Civil Rights Movement. He believed that peaceful protest without violence was the best way to get their rights.

In 1951, the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) along with Thurgood Marshall decided to fight for the rights of African American children They believed that segregated schools dehumanized African Americans just as much as slavery had done, and used the case of a seven year old girl from Topeka, Kansas, Linda Brown. She was forced to travel many miles away from her home in order to go to her black-only school, even though a white-only school existed close to her home. The U.S. Supreme Court finally ruled in 1954 that schools in all states had to be "desegregated" or integrated. This court decision sent the message that segregation in America would not be tolerated.

Rosa Parks, a 43 year old black woman was arrested in Montgomery, Alabama, becuase she sit on the seat for white people in the bus and she refused to give u her seat to white man. Civil Rights leaders, Dr. Martin Luther King, organized the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Black peole and others who supported equality agreed not to use the buses, the bus company had reduced 65% of its income for eight months. Eight months later, the Supreme Court decided, based that bus segregation violated the constitution.

BP#2-Take advantage of

When you need to take advantage of someone, you should think about who is the right person for the work. One of the important thing to take advantage of someone is that you should be polite and shouldn't make someone feel bad because the people could think he/she is being used for your advantages. Few days ago, my friend called me and asked to help his moving and then i asked him a few questions such as when he was going to move, how many stuff he has like furniture, bed, sofa and so on. how many people were going to help you except me. He said "I need your help just 2 or 3 hours because there are not many stuff to move and 2 more friends are coming to help me the day" I said "ok. sounds good" I didn't hesitate to answer 'yes' because he is a good friend of mine and i trusted him as a good friend. However, i regret that i came to help him to move because he told me a lie. when i got his apartment, he didn't finished packing and i was only the people who helped him. furthermore, he has a lot of clothes, a heavy bed and sofa and so on. i thought he and i couldn't finished moving for one day. i asked him "What's going on here?" I wanted to know what happened to him. He told me a truth. Actually, he called some friends of him but some of them was busy to help him, some of them cancled to help him at the day so he didn't feel good. I also felt so sorry to him but i worried about finishing packing all his stuff and moving. Fianlly, we finished moving to new apartment late night. i've helped him almost 12hours. It was so hard moving. However, when i got back home, i felt good because i helped him and he really thanked to me. Even though he tried to advantage to me, i could understand him while i was helping him.