If there is a justification in the research without people's knowledge, ill-informed consent or sometimes because of their inability to understand, it would be a lack of regulations and ignorance. At that time, ealry and middle 20c, in United States, it was not clear about the right of their body belonings for a research and doctors also didn't have to think about it because there were no laws or regulations about it.

However, in ethical problems, The doctors should have got consents or approvals to do researches. The doctors might know that they should ask people who their body were going to be used for the research before doing the research, but they usually did not do that because they did not have to.
I had no ideas and wasn't aware of this history before reading the book.

Furthermore, they didn't have to have feeling guilty about the researches without consents because there was no laws about it. However, nowadays, everyone knows that how insist on the right of their bodies and how important individual information. Therefore, doctors, researcher and people try to follow the laws and be ethical.